Starling Tribune - Season 4 Edition – Beacon Of Hope (A CW Network Arrow Television Show Fan Podcast)

The Official Arrow Podcast of the Gonna Geek Network

Starling Tribune - Season 4 Edition – Beacon Of Hope (A CW Network Arrow Television Show Fan Podcast)

The Official Arrow Podcast of the Gonna Geek Network


Episode: “Beacon of Hope” [Season 4 Episode 17]

Air Date: Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Director: Michael Schultz 94 Directing credits!!! 7 Ep Arrow | 4 Ep Blackish | 3 Ep Chuck |

1 Ep Tomorrow People … Felicity ... Ally McBeal… Starsky & Hutch!!!

Writers: Ben Sokolowski 23Ep Producer Arrow | 14Ep Writer Arrow | 20Ep Flash Consulting Producer

Brian Ford Sullivan 6Ep Flash Writer | 7 Ep Vixen Writer (S02!!)

Synopsis: The Bug-Eyed Bandit escapes from jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone in the building unless she gets the bio-chip that was implanted in Felicity's spine.

IMDB Link:


Reporter Stargate Pioneer is out on vacation so Reporters Chris and Neil discuss the Starling Tribune episode Beacon Of Hope. “Bee-con of Hope” was “Bee-ted” into the viewer’s head during the episode. Beacon also means that Team Arrow needs to bring the light. The reporters try to answer the question is Oliver’s head back in the game? After last week, the show rebounded a bit but it still needs more work. The show opened with an awesome training fight scene, but the boys still had their shirts on. #Fail? Just how many shirtless scenes are in Stephen Amell’s contract anyway? Of course Team Arrow needs more training and our reporters think more water slapping might help. Why do the bee drones turn into a giant robot? Our reporters answer: because plot/cgi requires of course. The flashbacks are moving again and they are starting to reconcile season 1 Oliver with Flashback Oliver. Curtis shows us his moves and the reporters aren’t completely turned off by them. Should Curtis be called “Overwatch 2 point 0?” Firewall? The chat answers with probably Mr. Terrific. The Reporters give another Chris sponsored Oliver Queen Beard Report. The reporters discuss Oliver’s tactician abilities. Laurel supriseingly continues to develop in the positive direction, but still does not have any chemistry with Oliver. What role does Diggle play on the show now? Is it just to slows the plot down? Felicity has transitioned in one episode to just being a non Super-hero Team member this week and blew up some T-Spheres. How long can Moma Smoak not know about Team Arrow? . Reporter Chris gets proof that HIVE is not the biggest Damian Darhk fan and Malcolm lets him know it. Political Intern is now with Ruve. Is he a DOUBLE DOUBLE plant or just a one trick pony? The reporters discuss if anything changed with who’s in the grave and they rate the villain of the week. The reporters wrap up the episode with a list of the newly renamed “DC and Pop Culture” Easter Eggs, Arrow News, Feedback and comments from the chat. Thank you for downloading and listening!


Promo for Next Week: Episode 17 - “Eleven Fifty-Nine” (Date: 31 Mar 2015)



Episode: “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” [Season 4 Episode 18]

Air Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Summary: Oliver and Diggle find out Merlyn want to break Darhk out of prison; Laurel get a surprise offer; Felicity has a talk with Curtis.

Director: Rob Harvey

Writers: Mort Weisinger

George Papp

IMDB Link:

Tune in to see what the Starling Tribune crew thinks will happen this season on Arrow based off what we've seen so far. After the show wraps keep listening as we bring fans on the show discuss their theories for season 4.

If you missed us live catch us next time and chime in yourself! Plus you won't miss out on our live post-show conversations.

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This podcast was recorded Thursday March 31st, 2016.

Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoyed the show!

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